Performing Your Best! Tips for Preparing for an Audition or Performance

by Sean Reusch

Have you ever been disappointed in a performance or audition for which you felt really prepared?  It is an awful feeling knowing that you did not perform to the best of your ability when it really counts.  Here are some tips on how to effectively prepare for a performance or audition.  Good luck!

  1. For solos and excerpts, look up any musical term you do not know!

  2. Be sure to always look at the score when working on a solo or orchestral  excerpt.  Be sure you understand how your part fits with the other instruments.

  3. Be sure to play through your music straight through without stopping at least once every time you practice, even if it isn’t at the exact tempo you desire. 

  4. Play your program for people.  Begin with just 1 person and then add more and more each time you perform.

  5. Record yourself!  Listen and take notes.

  6. Be sure to eat healthy – lots of protein, complex carbs, fruits, vegetables, and water.  This helps immensely with mental focus!  Limit caffeine, sugar, and alcohol.

  7. Get lots of sleep and exercise to help with your mental focus.

  8. Always try to keep mental talk positive!  We always perform better when we focus on being positive.

  9. Sing and conduct through music! Be musical!

  10. Memorize your music so you feel really comfortable with it.

  11. Don’t play too much on the day before of the day of an audition or performance.  Keep your chops fresh!

  12. Listen to as many different recordings of the piece you will be performing.

  13. To feel really confident, perform your entire program straight through every day for two weeks prior the audition or performance.

  14. Be sure to read the Vitamin P, Vitamin R, and Vitamin L articles.  They will help with your preparation.

Good luck!


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